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Change is in the Air

Change is coming.  It's on the wind, in the rain, even the dirt beneath my feet whispers of it.  Mabon is almost here, and I can't wait.  The second harvest of the Wheel of the Year.  The gathering of fruits.  Lammas is about grain.  Mabon fruits.  Samhain nuts and berries.  Fruits such as winter squash and apples are the primary things in my area.

Fruits hold the potential of a promise.  They hold seeds.  We could plant and grow directly from them.  However, I don't have nearly enough room for all of the apples and squash I enjoy, but if you look at that promise from a metaphorical sense.  Mabon is the time to gather your spiritual seeds.  What do you want to plant in the spring?  The best way to think about that is a to reflect on how this fruit was produced in the first place.

How are your apples?  Not the ones you bought at the store.  But the things you manifested this year?  The things you did workings for?  Did they produce the changes you were looking for or were they too much or too little?  Is it the apples or the tree that needs work?

Harvest time can show you how "well" you did during the year.  This is not how you compare to your neighbor, co-worker, sibling, or cousin.  It's how well you feel you did looking back on you choices.

I am finding this easier to do.  When I first started attending public rituals, and even learning about the rules of magick, I was always feeling like such a feeble witch.  My first public ritual was my first ritual ever.  I had read about them, but they seemed clunky on paper so I never even attempted.  I had my own channels.  I didn't like the Wheel of the Year in the beginning.  I wasn't a farmer, I don't feel connected to the Celtic traditions, and I am not drawn to the Wiccan ways.

It was a strange feeling sitting there at Samhain.  I was new, and it felt like everyone else knew each other and what was happening.  Our ritual leader explained each step, each meaning, and never once made me feel stupid or shameful.  It was then that I realized, I was not the only one who had never been to public rituals.  Many of us had not.  After a few more rituals, I stopped caring about the more senior members and trying to be like them.  I wanted to feel the magick myself, so I tried to focus more on how and what I was feeling during the rituals as the wheel turned.

For me, this Mabon, I am harvesting a sense of belonging and my own power.  These are small, but they are mine and I will grow them as the Wheel continues to turn.  I am also harvesting a new fondness for the Wheel of the Year.  It provides a framework for personal growth and change.

Looking back at what I harvested during this turning, I have had many blessings come into my life.  However, some were very specific and I no longer need them.  I will not tend to those seeds in the future.  Some of those blessings morphed into new potentials and I do plan to work with those.  Some are from tender fruits and will require support and love during the next turnings.  But I have until Ostara to really begin planting.  I have time to figure out what I want the new year to bring.

Instead, I turn my heart to a time of reflection.  I will take these seeds and put them in a safe place.  I will look at my harvest with an open heart.  I will look upon it with love, gratitude, kindness.  I see the changes that have already begun in my life.  I see the things that have been shed and left in the fields.  I see the things that are just starting to take shape in the shadows, even though I have no idea what they will become.

Mabon is a resting place.  The middle of the harvest season and the autumnal equinox.  A time when the length of light equals the length of darkness.  A breath.  A moment to assess and breathe in love, breathe out gratitude.  A moment to realize that after this moment, days will be shorter and nights longer.  We approach winter and its stillness.  But we are surrounded by life here and now at Mabon.  The seasons change, as do I.

I see the changes approaching.  I feel them and I know of them.  For once I am ready for them.

What are some of the changes that you have seen this year so far?
